If you are experiencing a critical or life-threatening medical emergency, please 打电话给9-1-1.
Nationally recognized for our exceptional emergency care and quality performance, Valley has long operated one of the busiest Emergency departments on the West Coast. 欢迎超过75人,每年有5000名病人来我们这里就诊, VMC的45,000 square foot 紧急服务 South Tower takes patient care to the next level. 十大正规网赌软件占地45000平方米. ft. 急诊科 was designed for the best patient experience possible:
最近的停车场在G号停车场, located in the South Tower underground garage on 43街, 就在急诊室的正下方. Enter the garage from the east or west sides of the South Tower. Limited, temporary parking is available in front of the ED for patient drop-off if needed.
If you're experiencing an emergency or are in immediate danger, please 打电话给9-1-1. If you are in one of our clinics or in the main hospital, you can ask to speak to a team member to receive confidential help.
绝望的感到绝望或绝望的? Help is available 24 hours a day at the Suicide & 危机的生命线:
Are you or someone else being harmed or controlled by a partner or others? Help is available 24 hours a day at the National Domestic Violence Hotline:
Report abuse of a vulnerable adult to Adult Protective 服务 (APS):
Are you being forced to work against your will?
Is someone controlling where you go or who you talk to? Help is available 24 hours a day at the National Human Trafficking Hotline:
需要举报虐待儿童的帮助? Help is available 24 hours a day at ChildHelp:
Report child abuse to Child Protective 服务 (CPS):
十大正规网赌软件 is designated as a Safe Haven for newborns who are in danger of abandonment. We encourage a parent considering abandonment to leave their baby in safe hands.
Symptom checker makes it easier to determine what to do when you develop medical symptoms. Symptom checker is available for both adults and children.
虽然它不提供医疗建议, symptom checker can help you understand potential causes, leading you through the decisions to make and the steps to take to feel better faster.
Decorated with soothing colors and bathed in natural light, our new emergency room creates a healing environment for the comfort of our patients and their families. 私人治疗室取代了窗帘, 强调尊严和病人安全, while flatscreen TVs and telephones help families stay in touch and relax. 医生, nurses and medical technicians in our emergency department work closely as a team to monitor and care for you. All are certified in advanced cardiac life support.
当你从前门进来的时候, you may be taken direct to a treatment room or to one of our four private triage rooms where we assess your condition and evaluate your needs. For your comfort and support, up to two family members may accompany you.
Similar in look and feel to an operating room, VMC's ER contains two large resuscitation rooms, handling up to four patients and their trauma teams at once. As a Level III state-designated trauma center, VMC serves as back-up to Harborview in the event of a regional disaster.
VMC's emergency department brings care to the patient, 床边登记, 放射学检查, computerized physician order entry and cardiac monitoring equipment in every room.
当时间流逝, VMC’s imaging systems can guide a cardiologist to a blockage near the heart, identify collapsed veins in a diabetic patient’s foot, and locate even a tiny blood clot in the brain.
The 紧急服务 South Tower raises the Renton skyline—and elevates patient care and disaster preparedness for all of South King County. As South King County’s first disaster recovery facility, the South Tower is well-equipped to handle flooding, 危险的泄漏, 地震, 生物恐怖主义和其他灾难.
VMC’s ER has the only helipad in the greater Seattle area with direct helicopter-to-ER access via a dedicated trauma elevator. In addition, resuscitation rooms, surgery and critical care are also just steps away. VMC lies on a straight flight path just 5 minutes to Harborview, 全州唯一的一级创伤中心.